Earliest BAPTIST Church Men and women, 625 Magdalena Ave

Earliest BAPTIST Church Men and women, 625 Magdalena Ave

TRINITY BAPTIST Chapel Singles MINISTRY, 557 Olivina Ave. Livermore. 4 categories for single people to your Vacations, 9:30am. step 1. Students. 2. Generation X. step 3. Median years single people. 4. Older Single people.925-447-1848.

CATHOLIC Divorced, WIDOWED, & Split Off CONTRA COSTA Condition. Sadness data recovery organizations. Men and women ministry, courses, haven. 925-680-8510, ext. 202 or 925-671-9339.


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LUCY’S CATHOLIC Chapel Singles FELLOWSHIP, 2350 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell. Ages 40s and you may 50s . 3rd Fridays, 6:45- 9pm, catered restaurants ($) and you may music, guest presenter, conversation months, dessert, and you can socializing. And clips, nature hikes, and games night. . Event range: -4183.

LAFAYETTE ORINDA PRESBYTERIAN Church (LOPC) Single men and women, forty-two Knox Dr., Lafayette, -8722. Audio system and you may Personal, next Sundays, 7pm. And Divorce Healing category, Unmarried Moms and dads Classification, golf, hiking, men and women toastmasters, loads of items and you can events. Leer más